Thursday, April 9, 2015

Adolescent Interview

New Media Adolescent Interview

I decided to interview Kids that come into Verizon with their parents. Of course I ask their parents for permission before hand but I also allow the parents to be a part of the conversation because it is a learning experience for us all.

The first little boys name was Chase and I could tell he was more excited to come into Verizon than his parents were. The parents came in to upgrade for newer devices. I brought them over to their specialist but Chase was already touching everything in the store. The parents apologized and I assured them that it is normal from Children because these are Their Toys. Chase was consumed by the iPad on the wall. That's was when I was able to ask him a few questions.

1.      Me: What's your favorite Game Right now?
Chase:  "Plants vs Zombies 2".

Me: Why?
Chase: Because it's a challenge and the characters are funny.

2.      What do you like to do on your Mom and Dads tablet/phone? 
Chase: Watch movies, and take pictures 

3.      Me: If a You could have your own iphone would you read books on it?
Chase: I already do that.

4.      Me: Do you like reading it on the tablet or an actual book.
Chase: I like the tablet because I can do more than just read on it.

Plants vs Zombie is a multi level game that uses the basic knowledge of plant life as its bases to kill zombies. The more sun you have in a level the more plants you can grow to destroy the Zombies and protect their home. The game features different levels at different time periods. Looking at it from an educational stand point I could see a gaming application be used for educational purposes. It just takes the educators to learn the technology to perform it. I smiled because I actually knew what this game was making me feel knowledgeable!

On another occasion I'm usually teaching classes in the middle of the store. On a busy Saturday we play Disney Movies because we know parents come to the mall with their whole family and kids hate just standing around. By playing Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs using the popular TV and movie streaming service Netflix, all of kids were quiet and preoccupied. As the movie finished I began to use the TV to show what I was searching for the next and kids began to speak up. So I used this time to ask them the same questions I asked Chase.

What's your favorite Game?
Andrew: Trivia Crack
Kayla: Subway Surfers

So what do you like to do on Mom and Dads tablet or phone? 
Andrew 10: Watch Movies
Kayla 6: Play Games

If a You could have your own iphone  would you read books on it?
Andrew: Could I listen to them instead.
Kayla: As longs as it has pictures

Me: Do you like reading it on the tablet or an actual book?
Andrew: Defiantly on a tablet or my ipod. I can always delete it after.

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